Shiatsu baby massage course

Elise teaches private sessions for parents to teach them a Shiatsu baby massage routine with many beneficial effects.
Shiatsu baby massage is performed on babies from 6 weeks old upwards and promotes bonding and well-being as well as relaxing babies, mums, dads, and carers. Alongside traditional massage techniques, Elise will show you how to work with meridians and acupressure points to help issues around digestion such as colic, wind, constipation, diarrhoea, teething difficulties, sleep, rashes (including nappy rash) and chest congestion.
On top of that, shiatsu baby mssage is fun and enjoyable to do! Elise will make sure there is time at the end of the session to have a chat and share experiences or pick up tips. There is a Chinese saying “treat the mother to treat the child”. Elise intends for these group sessions to be very supportive to the mother’s general well-being.
Elise has been teaching shiatsu baby massage for decades. This photo shows Elise performing shiatsu baby massage on her third child in 1995!
Shiatsu baby massage is fun and enjoyable to do! Get in touch to book a session.